Talos Linux vs Flatcar
Talos Linux and Flatcar may look similar if you’ve never used them. But they’re quite different for their use cases and configuration.
Deploying Talos on AWS with CDK
This post was first published at Steve Yackey’s blog, but we thought it was such a good article, and a great example of how the community is using and building on Talos OS, that with Steve’s permission we are reposting here. As someone who has found a lot of uses for Go in both my […]
Is Vanilla Kubernetes Really Too Heavy For The Raspberry Pi?
It’s been bothering me for over a week now. For no good reason, I had a shower thought a couple of weekends back about Kubernetes on the Raspberry Pi. Everywhere I turn in the community, it seems like folks are saying how inefficient Kubernetes is on the Pi and that using something like K3s is […]
Talos v0.5 Released!
Talos v0.5, our modern operating system for Kubernetes, has just been released and we are excited to share the new features that we have added. In this version of Talos, we’ve added three new major APIs: control plane recovery, control plane bootstrapping, and a new events subsystem that can be used for sophisticated automation at the […]
Talos 0.4 Released!
Hello everyone! We have just released version 0.4 of Talos, our secure operating system for Kubernetes. This release includes a number of new features, some major stability and performance improvements, and an expanded test suite for greater robustness across a range of infrastructure. For all of the details, please see the changelog. Name change: osctl is now […]
Talos 0.3 Beta Released
I’m happy to announce that we have reached beta for our v0.3 release of Talos OS, our immutable operating system for kubernetes! We have some exciting changes in this release that I’m thrilled to share. In this post I will give an overview of the changes coming. Let’s get started! Self-Hosted Kubernetes In previous versions […]
Talos 0.2 Released
Talos 0.2 has been released. This version brings updates to the upstream versions of Linux and Kubernetes, additional stability improvements, and enhanced security – and delivering a secure kubernetes OS is a primary goal! We are very excited about this release, since it builds on some of the architectural improvements we have been working on […]
Can’t Touch This: Immutable Kubernetes Hosts
More than 13 years ago in 2006, Red Hat announced a new project called Stateless Linux. The big idea: the traditional methods of systems management starts with a series of identically configured systems, say, your fleet of web servers or load balancers. Over time, though, the state of these machines diverged from each other because of […]