Talos Linux vs Flatcar
Talos Linux and Flatcar may look similar if you’ve never used them. But they’re quite different for their use cases and configuration.
Is Vanilla Kubernetes Really Too Heavy For The Raspberry Pi?
It’s been bothering me for over a week now. For no good reason, I had a shower thought a couple of weekends back about Kubernetes on the Raspberry Pi. Everywhere I turn in the community, it seems like folks are saying how inefficient Kubernetes is on the Pi and that using something like K3s is […]
Can’t Touch This: Immutable Kubernetes Hosts
More than 13 years ago in 2006, Red Hat announced a new project called Stateless Linux. The big idea: the traditional methods of systems management starts with a series of identically configured systems, say, your fleet of web servers or load balancers. Over time, though, the state of these machines diverged from each other because of […]